
Delaware by the Numbers:
Key Statistical Data and Facts

Key Details

  • Delaware has a population of approximately 1,018,396 residents  
  • 5.3% of residents are below five years old, 20.8% below 18, and 20.1% above 65.  
  • 71.5% of homes in Delaware are outrightly owned.  
  • As of 2022, approximately 91.1% of residents have a high school diploma or equivalent, and 33.6% have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher. 
  • The unemployment rate in March 2023 was 4.4%. 
  • The average household income is $72,724, while life expectancy is 76.7 years old. 
  • In 2022, Delaware recorded 69,595 reported offenses with an incarceration rate of 631 per 100,000 people. 
  • Weird laws such as picnicking on a highway being illegal and selling dog hair punishable by law remain valid within the state. 

Delaware Population Demographics

Delaware is the second smallest state in the US, with an estimated population of around 1,018,396 people as of 2022. Approximately 5.3% of the population consists of those who are younger than five years old, while 20.8% consists of those who are below 18 years old. Residents aged 65 years and above constitute 20.1% of the entire community. Delaware's female population make up about 51.4% of the total, while males account for roughly 48.6%.

Delaware Housing

457,954 housing
According to the Census Bureau, in 2021, Delaware had approximately 457,954 housing units, 71.5% of which were occupied by their owners
of which were occupied by their owners. These included single-family homes, condos, apartments, and other housing units.
The state also had an average household size of 2.51 persons with a median household value of $269,700.
On average, renters pay a gross rent of $1,190. 

Delaware Racial Demographics


Delaware houses residents of different ethnic and racial origins. As of 2022, around 4.2% of Delaware’s population is made up of Asians, while 23.6% are Black or African American. Hispanics or Latinos make up roughly 10% of the total residents, while whites account for 68.4%. Residents with two or more races made up 2.9% of the state.

  • White only
  • Black or African-American alone
  • Asian alone
White  68.4% 
Black or African American 23.6% 
Asian 4.2% 
Hispanic or Latino 10.1% 
Two or more races 2.9% 

Elections in Delaware

Delaware is considered a Democratic state as of 2023. Gov. Dale Edward Wolf was the last Republican Governor of Delaware between 1992 and 1993.  

John Carney, a member of the Democratic Party, holds office as Delaware’s governor. He began serving as the governor in January 2017 and secured a second term through successful re-election in 2020. Delaware is also represented in the federal senate by a duo of Democrats, namely Chris Coons and Tom Carper, who hold the role of the state’s two senators. Chris Coon has been serving as a senator since November 2010, while Tom Carper has held his position since January 2001.  

2020 Presidential Election 

Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, was the winner in the 2020 presidential election in Delaware. Delaware was a major support for Biden, given that he hails from that region and was once a senator there.  

According to the Delaware State Board of Elections, Joe Biden received 296,268 votes, which surpassed Donald Trump’s 200,603 votes. Biden’s 19% lead improved on Hillary Clinton’s victory over Trump when she won by 11% in 2016.  

Joe Biden

296,268 votes

Donald Trump

200,603 votes

Delaware Voting Statistics

Approximately 47.80% of eligible voters in Delaware are registered to the Democratic party, while 27.87% are registered as Republicans. Approximately 22.49% of the voting population is unaffiliated, while 1.83% identify with third-party political organizations.

General Election Voter Turnout

YearVoter TurnoutTurnout Percentage (Voting Age Population)
2022 325,632 42.68% 
2020 509,241 68.86% 
2018 362,592 52.20% 
2016 441,590 65.35% 
2014 234,038 36% 
2012 413,890 65% 
2010 307,367 49% 
2008 412,412 68% 

How Educated is Delaware

According to the United States Census Bureau, between 2017 to 2021, approximately 91.1% of Delaware residents aged 25 and above had a high school diploma or equivalent, while 33.6% of individuals aged 25 and above held a bachelor’s degree or higher. This figure reflects the percentage of residents who have pursued and completed undergraduate programs, including four-year degrees. The number of people holding a bachelor’s or higher in Delaware is nearly equal to the national average of 33.7%, showing the high-value residents of Delaware place on higher education.  

Delaware Employment Rate

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Delaware had an unemployment rate of 4.4% in March of 2023. In total, the state had a civilian labor force of approximately 499,700 workers. 478.600 workers were employed, and 21,200 workers were unemployed. The Trade, Transportation, and utility services accounted for the most jobs, with 91,600 employments, ahead of the Education and Health Services sector with 80,300 jobs. The Government sector employed 68,300 workers, while manufacturing accounted for 27,300 jobs. Between 2022 and 2023, the Leisure and Hospitality sector grew the most, expanding by 8.8%, ahead of mining, logging, and construction, which grew 5.2%. Conversely, employment within the Information Sector dipped by 2.6%. 

Average Income in Delaware

The average household income in Delaware is $72,724, which is a bit higher than the national average of $69,021. The per capita income for a 12-month period between 2017 to 2021 was $38,917. The state has about 11.6% of the population living in poverty, just on par with the federal average.

Families in Delaware

Delaware Marriage Rates

4.9 per 1000 person
6.0 per 1000 person

Based on the information provided by the National Center for Health Statistics, it has been calculated that in 2021, there were 4.9 weddings for every 1000 residents in the state of Delaware. When compared to the national average, which accounts for all of the United States citizens, this statistic shows a marginally higher marriage rate of 6.0 marriages per 1000 people. This could indicate that marriages are less prevalent in Delaware than they are nationwide.

Delaware Divorce Rates

Per the National Center for Health Statistics, the divorce rate for Delaware for 2021 is 2.6 per 1000 residents. This is slightly above the national average of 2.5 per 1000 residents. According to data from the Census Bureau, in 2021, of the total population, 3,106 males that reside in the state were divorced in the preceding year, while 2,331 females resident in the state were divorced in the preceding year. 

Life Expectancy in Delaware

As of 2020, as published by the National Center for Health Statistics, the average life expectancy is 76.7 for those who reside in Delaware. Nationally for the same period, the life expectancy was 77.1

Delaware Crime Rates

As per the Statistical Analysis Center's records for 2021, there were numerous recorded offenses in the State, amounting to a total of 69,595 incidents. Some of the crimes outlined in the report include 17,333 acts of violence, 19,607 violations related to property, 8,942 drug-related transgressions, and 23,713 other minor social misdeeds.

Delaware Incarceration Rate

631 per 100,000
According to the Prison Policy Initiative, Delaware has an Incarceration rate of 631 per 100,000 people.
5,400 people
As of 2021, there were 5,400 people behind bars from the state of Delaware.
Of these people were incarcerated in state prisons.
While 420 of those people were incarcerated in federal prisons
People were incarcerated in a youth prison facility, and the remaining 30 were kept under involuntary commitment.

Delaware Bankruptcy Rate

1,430 bankruptcy filings

According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, there were a total of 1,430 bankruptcy filings in Delaware for the year 2022, marking a 22-year low. It included 625 Chapter 7 cases, 384 Chapter 11 filings, and 404 cases of Chapter 13. Delaware also recorded 488 business bankruptcy cases, including eighty nine Chapter 7 filings and 382 cases of Chapter 11.  Compared to other states, the total filings relative to the population was 25% above the national average. 

Weird Laws in Delaware

Delaware, a state on the East Coast appreciated for its rich past and distinct appeal. Despite being just like any other location, Delaware has a collection of laws that are unusual. Below are some unusual laws in the state known as the “First State”:

  • In Delaware, it was illegal to fly over any body of water unless the persons in the aircraft were carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink.
  • In Delaware, there is a law in place that forbids residents from selling dog hair. The reason and history of this particular legislation are uncertain; however, it is possible that it arises from worries about the cleanliness and the origins of the hair being traded.
  • It is against Delaware law to change your attire in a moving vehicle. This unique restriction, designed to deter public indecency, can cause misunderstanding amongst tourists who might not be familiar with this rule.
  • Delaware enforces a regulation that forbids the selling of Oleomargarine. In the mid-20th century, the state introduced legislation aimed at safeguarding the dairy sector of the state by discouraging the utilization of margarine as a substitute for butter.
  • It is illegal to have a picnic on the highway in the state of Delaware. The origin and reason this law was enacted is unclear.
  • Horse racing of any sort is not allowed in Delaware on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
  • In Delaware, the act of getting married on a dare is against the law.
  • Alcohol is prohibited in dance halls/clubs: In the city of Rehoboth, owners of dance halls and clubs are not permitted to sell, offer, or dispense alcohol within their establishments. 
  • Girls under the age of six must be clothed at all times.
  • Adoption advertising is prohibited: In Delaware, it is illegal to promote for adoption. Except for the Department of Child Services or a licensed agency, no person, firm, corporation, organization, or other legal entity shall promote the availability of adoption services in this State.

Cities in Delaware

Popular names in Delaware